Keep It Local

We make great skate bearings but skate shop owners and staff are the real magic makers.

Skate shops are the backbone of the skate community. It’s where skaters hang, where stories are shared, and friendships are formed. The shop owners and staff not only support their customer base but are also key advocates for enhancing the local skate scene.

Please check with your local skate shop to see if they carry QUANTUM. If they don’t, ask for them to carry QUANTUM or please contact us so we can reach out to them.

For the USA shops that prefer to work through distributors, we have you covered. Please reach out to the highly reputable distributors below for availability. All international shops and distributors, please contact us for setting up an account.

AWH Skateboard Distribution
800-323-4336 or 847-869-0950

Eastern Skateboard Supply
800-358-7588 or 910-791-8240

Ocean Avenue Distribution

Southshore Distribution